Betsy Bitch Picture Gallery

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All photos courtesy Mike “Ozzy” Gibbens unless marked otherwise.

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Classic-Era Bitch Photo Session at Gazzarri's, 1984
This is the most famous and longest-running Classic-Era Bitch lineup. L to R: Robby Settles, Ron Cordy, Betsy, and David Carruth.
I love how Betsy is peeking out from behind her "boys" in this one.
You can't have Robby! He's OUR drummer!
Smile for the camera, guys! Dave, you need to smile too...come on!
Sleazy sleaze...
Bitch with the Man Himself, the late Bill Gazzarri.


Classic-Era Bitch in the Studio
(working on the Betsy album)
Recording gang vocals for Betsy in early 1988.
The gang behind the mixing board with producer Chris Minto (third from left) during the Betsy recording sessions.



Betsy's "Boys":
Male Members of the Classic-Era Bitch
David Carruth, co-founder of Bitch and lead guitar player of the Classic-Era Bitch.
Another vintage photo of David Carruth. This one was taken at the legendary Hollywood club The Troubador in 1982. Dave has a very suntanned Betsy in one arm and a girl named Tracey in the other. (Courtesy Tracey H.)
Bass Player Ron Cordy. Ron joined the band in 1983 and left in 1989. He was the bass player on The Bitch Is Back, the Betsy album, and A Rose by Any Other Name.
A recent photo of David Carruth. This is a still frame from the Epic DVD by the instrumental metal band Killen. (The legs belong a model named Cory.)
Another still frame of David Carruth from the Killen's Epic DVD. (This photo and the prior one both appear courtesy Ed McCrary and
A picture of David Carruth from c. 1990 meeting Mark Slaughter of Slaughter. With them is Slaughter member Dana Strum, who was bandmates with Dave in Bad Axe (see our discography for info on them).
Here's a picture of Classic-Era Bitch members Ron Cordy and Robby Settles at a party cira 1987.
Bitch drummer and co-founder Robby Settles at the same party.
Johnny Zell, the final bass player in the classic Bitch lineup. Johnny was with Bitch in 2003 when they played the Bang Your Head Festival in Balingen, Germany. A portion of that show appears on the highly recommended The Best of Bang Your Head DVD.
Another picture of Johnny Zell, this one on site at the Bang Your Head Festival when Bitch played there in 2003. This photo was taken by none other than Don Dokken, lead singer of Dokken. (The last two photos appear courtesy of Johnny Zell.)


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